Patriots Season Opener

May 26, 2017

The Steel City team has been evolving and pushing to make a playoff run. With the sudden departure of the Sault Steelers, the Patriots want to ensure their fans they aren’t going anywhere but the playoffs.

The Patriots have made a number of dramatic off-season moves to keep them a dangerous threat in the NFC’s Eastern Division. From acquiring their new offensive coordinator Kyle Cole. To bringing a renewed ground game in their running back Tony Furlone. To finding a shutdown Defensive Back Donovan Saunders. The Patriots hail this season as The 2017 NFC Championship Tour.

Philip D. Costantini “Cosz” Owner, V.P. Football Operations for the Patriots wanted the fans to get the following information for their rematch with the Outlaws.

Location: Mohawk Sports Complex Field No. 1:  (locker rooms/parking adjacent to the furthest goal posts).
Address: 770 Upper Kenilworth Avenue,(Lincoln Alexander Pkwy; Stonechurch Rd./Limeridge road)
Admission fees: Adults – $10.00, Seniors/Students(13-18) – $ 5.00, children 12/under – FREE
KICK-OFF: 6:00 p.m.(on field arrival and locker rooms 3 & 4, access at 4:00 p.m.)
Home Team Colour Declaration: White & Red
5th Quarter: Fool’n Flagon, 2255 Barton Street East, Hamilton. Kids are welcome.
Please let us know if you require any hotel information as well.