2020 NFC Season Notice

April 21, 2020

April 19, 2020 

Tonight the Northern Football Conference held a Special Meeting of its entire membership to discuss the 2020 season. The nature of the NFC is that we operate at a semi-pro level football league which involves longer pre-season preparation times for marketing, player signing & training camp operations than varsity age groups.

As well, in order to avoid conflicts with OUA football, the NFC needs to wrap up its season by the third week of August. With many municipalities cancelling field access until July the NFC’s summer window to conduct a season has passed us by. As a result, the Northern Football Conference has, as of tonight, cancelled its 2020 season and clubs are planning for a strong comeback in 2021.

With that decision the NFC membership adds that the safety of its players, coaches & volunteers was also an important factor in making this decision, which is why the NFC waited until now to make that call. “Once it became evident that fields across the league would not be available until well into our summer season window we gathered the membership and together we made this decision. It was a hard one that nobody took lightly.” Said Marc Mathon secretary of the NFC. 

NFC clubs may hold football camps and inter team scrimmages later in the summer, if their local situation changes and makes fields available and intercity travel is deemed safe by the provincial government. We encourage players to stay in touch with their teams for updates on club driven events.